This Columbus

He was the assistant to the famed Stewart Maiden at East Lake in Atlanta when Bobby Jones asked him if he might be interested in another job in Columbus, Ohio. If so, he thought he might be able to get it for him. “In the meanwhile, I had this offer of a job as an assistant in Detroit. And I was all set to leave for Detroit. In fact, I’d already gotten my ticket and called Maiden to tell him goodbye.

“He told me he thought I could get a job in Columbus and I should go talk to them. If I didn’t get it, I could come back through Atlanta on my way to Detroit.” Naturally I was thinking about Columbus, Ohio and told him I didn’t think I’d come through Atlanta on my way from Columbus, Ohio to Detroit.” “‘Not Columbus, Ohio. Columbus, GA’ he told me.”

Anyway, the people here had contacted Maiden about suggesting a pro, he recommended Haskins, he came down to talk with the late Marshall Morton, who was secretary of the club; accepted the job and kept it for 34 years.

Excerpt from:

Ledger Enquirer 

Cecil Darby Column

May 7th 1971


Lessons for a Nickel


The Suave Gentleman