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The Haskins Foundation was formed to uphold the mission of the Fred Haskins Commission and promote collegiate golf. Donating to the Haskins Foundation is a way for those with a love for college golf and the legacy of Mr. Fred Haskins to give back to the collegiate game and preserve the vision of the Fred Haskins Award. Thanks to our generous donors, the Foundation has been able to accomplish many of our strategic initiatives, including the addition of the ANNIKA Award Presented by Stifel in 2014.

As a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, gifts to the Haskins Foundation are tax deductible.

Our 2024 Donors

  • Stifel Financial Corporation

    Diamond Hill Capital Management

    Mr. Dan E. Anderson

    Mr. & Mrs. James H. Blanchard

    Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Deedy

    Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth E. Evans, Jr.

    Mr. & Mrs. Madden Hatcher, Jr.

    Mr. & Mrs. J. Madden Hatcher, III

    Mr. & Mrs. Nick W. Evans

    Mr. & Mrs. Guy Kenimer

    Mr. & Mrs. Jack Key, III

    Mr. & Mrs. Jamie Lanier

    Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. McHale

    Mr. & Mrs. Edward Warner Neal, Jr.

    Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Pease, III

    Mr. & Mrs. Bryan M. Rust, Jr.

    Mr. & Mrs. John A. Shinkle

    Mr. & Mrs. T. Adam Smitherman

    Mr. & Mrs. Ron Thomas

    Mr. & Mrs. Wright B. Waddell

    Mr. & Mrs. John W. Walden, Jr.

    Mr. & Mrs. Hugo J. Warns

    Mr. & Mrs. W. Richard Wilson

    Mr. & Mrs. M. Troy Woods

  • Col. & Mrs. Archibald V. Arnold, III

    Mr. Ron Daniel

    Mr. & Mrs. M. Thad Estes

    Mr. H. F. Holbrook, Jr.

    Dr. Ashish K. Jain

    Mr. Seth L. Knight, III

    Mr. & Mrs. Tommy Marsh

    Bart & Clara Middlebrooks

    Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Pease, IV

    Dr. Rourke M. Stay

  • Mr. Ben Adelberg

    Mr. & Mrs. David Blanchard

    Mr. Tom Daniel

    Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Ker-Fox

    Mr. Lance Ringler

    Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Robinson

    Mr. & Mrs. Brian Stubbs

    Mr. & Mrs. Robert C. Wilson, IV

  • Mrs. Theresa Bradley

    Mr. Dustin T. Brown

    Palmer & John Colson

    Mr. & Mrs. Cates Culpepper

    Mr. William C. Davis

    Mr. Tommy Dudley

    Mr. & Mrs. Rem Houser

    Mr. & Mrs. Gary Miller

    Mr. & Mrs. Larry H. Mize

    Susie & Lawton Mullin

    Mr. Jack Nix, Jr.

    Mr. John C. Nix, Sr.

    Mr. J. Chadwick Nix

    Mr. & Mrs. Richard Norman

    Mrs. Delia Postell

    Mr. & Mrs. Richard Schmidt

    Sara & John Starr

    Mrs. Sarah S. Stubbs

    Mr. & Mrs. Allen Taber

    Crystal & Johnson Trawick

    Mr. Ray G. White, Jr.

  • Support College Golfers

    Your donations help us to further pursue our mission.

  • Annual Luncheon

    Invitation to our annual luncheon at the Country Club of Columbus.

  • Special Gifts

    Receive Haskins Foundation branded gifts and swag.

  • Enjoy our Museum

    View decades of priceless golfing memorabilia.

  • Visit our NCAA Event

    Join us at the Augusta Haskins Award Invitational.

  • Attend Exclusive Events

    Up close and personal with legends like Annika and past winners.

  • Meet the Recipients

    Several opportunities to meet past and present winners.

  • Recognition for Support

    Recognition on website and in the Haskins Museum.

Haskins Foundation Founding Members

  • Mr. J. Stan Allen

    Mr. Dan Anderson

    Col. & Mrs. Archibald V. Arnold, III

    Mr. Bradford T. Arnold

    Mr. D. Hal Averett

    Mr. Bill Becker

    Mr. Leo S. Berard

    Mrs. Fay Haskins Blackmar

    Mr. Richard Y. Bradley

    Mr. Robert H. Brent, III

    Mr. Jerry Buchanan

    Mr. Murray Calhoun III

    Mr. Marcus Calhoun, Jr.

    Col. Cecil O. Calhoun, Jr.

    Mr. George Claridy

    Mr. & Mrs. James C. Clark, Jr.

    Mr. James T. Coppage

    Mr. & Mrs. Robert Culpepper

    Mr. William J. Cunningham, Jr.

    Mr. C. William Davis

    Mr. Allen T. Denham

    Mr. A. Thomas Dudley

    Mr. & Mrs. M. Thad Estes

    Mr. Kenneth E. Evans, Jr.

    Mr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Flowers

    Mr. Gardiner W. Garrard, Jr.

    Mr. & Mrs. Brian Grier

    Mr. Neill B. Hatcher

    Mr. & Mrs. Samuel F. Hatcher

    Mr. & Mrs. J. Madden Hatcher Jr.

    Mr. & Mrs. Madden Hatcher III

    Dr. George B. Hubbard Jr.

    Mr. Jeffrey R. Hudson

    Mr. Jason Hudson

    Mr. William C. Huff

    Mr. Richard Hyatt

    Mr. W. Randall Jones

    Mrs. Dorothy S. Jones

    Mr. & Mrs. Miles D. Jordan

    The Jordan Foundation, Inc.

    Mr. Guy Kenimer

    Mr. Wesley Ker-Fox

    Mr. Bob Ker-Fox

    Mr. Jack B. Key III

    Mr. James W. Key

    Mr. Larry A. King

    Mr. Seth L. Knight III

    Mr. Donald M. Leebern, Jr.

    Mr. Frank G. Lumpkin III

    Mr. John C. Martin

    Mr. & Mrs. Kevin S. McHale

    Mr. William T. Middleton

    Mr. Fred A. Miller

    Mr. Landon R. Miller

    Mr. Edward Warner Neal, Jr.

    Mr. W. Michael Ogie

    Mr. Gordon F. Pease

    Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Pease, III

    Mr. & Mrs. Jack J. Pease, IV

    Mr. Adam R. Pease

    Mr. Nolan Pendleton

    Mr. F. Anderson Philips

    Mr. George H. Reynolds, III

    Mr. & Mrs. Chandler W. Riley

    Dr. S.A. Roddenbery, V

    Mr. Frank Romeo, Sr.

    Mr. Bryan M. Rust, Jr.

    Dr. Ben Satterwhite

    Mr. Douglas S. Schorr

    Mr. Douglas S. Schorr, Jr.

    The Shaw Family Foundation

    Mr. & Mrs. James K. Sheek

    Mr. & Mrs. John A. Shinkle

    Mr. & Mrs. T. Adam Smitherman

    Dr. & Mrs. Thomas M. Stewart

    Mr. & Mrs. Richard M. Stone

    Mr. & Mrs. Brian Stubbs

    Mr. F. Steve Taylor

    Mr. Robert Thomas, Sr.

    Mr. Robert Thomas, Jr.

    Mr. W. Johnson Trawick, Jr.

    Mrs. Sue Marie Turner

    Mr. & Mrs. Wright B. Waddell

    Mr. John W. Walden, Jr.

    Mr. Rankin Walden

    Mr. Sam M. Wellborn, III

    Mr. Robert C. Wilson, IV

    Mr. & Mrs. W. Richard Wilson

    Mr. B. Kent Woodfin

    Mr. James D. Yancey

    Mr. Robert S. Yarbrough, Sr.

    Mr. David Yarbrough

  • Mr. Paul Bumann

    Mr. Dennis Calhoun

    Mr. George Hamer

    Mr. Charlie Harper

    Mr. Billy Key

    Mr. Jack B. Key, Jr.

    Mr. Dupont Kirven

    Mr. Jack Parnell

    Mr. Nelson Ross

    Mr. Hugh Royer, Jr.

    Mr. Bryan Rust